
Anglo-Catholic Calendar of Holy Days

As Written in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer

Presented By the


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Anglo-Catholic Calendar of Holy Days

(color of the box after each entry is the liturgical color of the day)
(Items in smaller Italic font are not in the 1928 BCP


01 - Circumcision of Christ color square
06 - The Epiphany of our Lord color square
14 - St. Hilary color square
17 - St. Antony of Egypt color square
20 - St. Fabian & St. Sebastian color square
21 - St. Agnes color square
22 - St. Vincent & St. Anastasius color square
24 - St. Timothy color square
25 - The Conversion of St. Paul color square
26 - St. Polycarp of Smyrna color square
27 - St. John Chrysostom color square


01 - St. Ignatius of Antioch color square
02 - The Presentation of Christ color square
03 - St. Blasius color square
04 - St. Cornelius the Centurion color square
05 - St. Agatha color square
06 - St. Titus color square
10 - St. Scholastica color square
24 - St. Matthias the Apostle color square


01 - St. David of Wales color square
07 - St. Perpetua color square
09 - Gregory of Nyssa color square
12 - St. Gregory the Great color square
17 - St. Patrick color square
18 - St. Cyril color square
19 - St. Joseph color square
20 - St. Cuthbert color square
22 - James DeKoven color square
25 - Annunciation of the BVM color square


04 - St. Ambrose of Milan color square
11 - St. Leo the Great color square
14 - St. Justin Martyr color square
19 - St. Alphege color square
21 - St. Anselm color square
25 - St. Mark the Evangelist color square
30 - St. Catherine of Siena color square


01 - St. Philip & St. James, Apostles color square
02 - St. Athanasius of Alexandria color square
09 - St. Gregory of Nazianzus color square
11 - St. Cyril & St. Methodius color square
19 - St. Dunstan of Canterbury color square
20 - St. Alcuin color square
24 - St. Vincent of Lerins color square
26 - St. Augustine of Canterbury color square
27 - St. Bede color square


09 - St. Columba color square
10 - First Book of Common Prayer color square
11 - St. Barnabas the Apostle color square
14 - St. Basil color square
22 - St. Alban, Protomartyr of England color square
24 - St. John the Baptist color square
28 - St. Irenaus of Lyons color square
29 - St. Peter the Apostle color square

04 - Independence Day color square
11 - St. Benedict of Nursia color square
14 - St. Bonaventure color square
15 - St. Swithun color square
19 - St. Vincent de Paul color square
22 - St. Mary Magdalene color square
25 - St. James the Apostle color square
26 - St. Anne, Mother of the BVM color square
29 - St. Mary & St. Martha color square
31 - St. Joseph of Arimathea color square


04 - St. Dominic color square
06 - The Transfiguration of our Lord color square
07 - Holy Name of Jesus color square
10 - St. Laurence color square
15 - St. Mary the Virgin (Assumption) color square
20 - St. Bernard color square
24 - St. Bartholomew the Apostle color square
25 - St. Louis, King of France color square
28 - St. Augustine of Hippo color square
31 - St. Aidan color square


13 - St. Cyprian of Carthage color square
14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross color square
19 - St. Theodore color square
21 - St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist color square
29 - St. Michael & All Angels color square
30 - St. Jerome the Priest color square


04 - St. Francis of Assisi color square
06 - William Tyndale, Priest color square
13 - St. Edward the Confessor color square
18 - St. Luke the Evangelist color square
23 - St. James of Jerusalem color square
28 - St. Simon & St. Jude, Apostles color square


01 - All Saints Day color square
02 - All Souls Day color square
11 - St. Martin of Tours color square
16 - St. Margaret of Scotland color square
17 - St. Hugh of Lincoln color square
19 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary color square
23 - St. Clement of Rome color square
30 - St. Andrew the Apostle color square


04 - St. Clement of Alexandria color square
06 - St. Nicholas color square
08 - Conception of the BVM color square
21 - St. Thomas the Apostle color square
25 - Christmas Day color square
26 - St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr color square
27 - St. John, Apostle & Evangelist color square
28 - The Holy Innocents color square
29 - St. Thomas a Becket color square